Thursday, October 7, 2021

Example of profile essay

Example of profile essay

example of profile essay

Profile Essay Sample Lioness Living in a Bear’s Den A boisterous laugh echoes from the expanse of her mid-size office into the 2nd floor space littered with half empty cubicles. The same office space Kay Barnhill (KB) first arrived for a clerk job with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in the summer of Fresh out of How to conclude a profile essay; Outline example; Have you ever interviewed somebody on a given topic or about an event? Then, you have some clue regarding profile essays. A profile essay is a descriptive writing that focuses on the description of a person, place or an event. The essay is usually comprehensive, sensory and balanced detailing on A profile essay gives accurate information about a given subject. A profile essay example for college seeks to deliver elaborate information about a person, event or place. Journalism students write these essays to educate their readers

Principles and Pointers for Writing an Exceptional Profile Essay

Please use your own words rather than merely quote from the assignment. My partner Barry is asked to write a profile of someone that is of interest, example of profile essay. Barry must interview this person.

He must write about this person and something in their life and magnify it. He is not to write about everything in this specific persons life from day one but describing who this person is from one perspective. To what extent has your partner met the expectations of the assignment? Please pick a passage as illustration and describe what works well there. Again, try example of profile essay use your own words. Barry also uses a anecdote to help engage the reader in the 4th paragraph.

I feel this anecdote is very strong for the essay and grabs example of profile essay reader.

I feel overall Barry did a very good job at doing what the assignment asked of profiling. What area needs more work? The areas that could use more work in this essay would be; Barry does not give a physical description of his father today.

Maybe if Barry started his essay out with the quote he used and immediately following add a physical description. I feel would fit well there. Please indicate TWO questions about the draft and at least ONE suggestion for ways to improve it. Two questions: 1.

How does your father act on a day to day basis? Has his experienced benefited him as a provider at all? Does he apply the way he grew up to the way he brought you up at all? Maybe one way to improve this essay would be to give a real life example of how your father applies all these quotes to his life. Have lot of home work? Don't would like spend time on creating? Use this custom writing service essay-writing-place.

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Monday, October 17, Profile Essay. Barry Rose. He had a few he liked, but I believe this was his favorite. He is a very proud man, with great morals. He served in the Vietnam War in the Marine core. He is the type of man where you never had to guess how he felt, he was more than happy to let you know.

Being the oldest of six, he had the responsibility of caring for his siblings. He was not able to enjoy the joys of a usual childhood. He had the example of profile essay of helping his struggling parents, hold the family together by working very young, and acting as another parent to the other kids. There were no summer camps, vacations, or free time for him. Only changing dipers, cleaning the house, and going to work.

He felt that he example of profile essay already been living a very structured life and believed it would be a smooth transition. He was right. He was finally able to be the man he wanted to be, not another parent in a full house. Although there were many guidelines he had to follow in the military, he enjoyed the fact that he could be himself. Only some stories of partying and having fun. The parts about the war itself he keeps to himself. He was a gunner on a helicopter. Sometimes he provided ground troops cover, other times he went pick up troops.

He once told me of a example of profile essay where luck was on his side, example of profile essay.

One day he was not feeling well and decided to take a nap. He found a spot in the laundry room, and fell asleep on a pile of sheets.

He awoke and found out his unit had been called in for a rescue mission. Another soldier was called in to replace him, because he could not be found. His helicopter was hit with enemy fire, and a few soldiers were wounded. He enjoyed his down time while overseas. He enjoys more stories of these times, than of the war.

As a teenager back home, he was unable to party because of the responsibilities at home. However, one story he has told me, example of profile essay, started as a party, and almost ended in tragedy. My father and his friends were having a party on the beach.

They had all been drinking, and had a few too many. One of his friends decided it was a good idea to go for a swim. Unfortunately he was so drunk, he forgot how. Noticing his friend had been missing for a while, he decided to look for him, and saw him beginning to drown. Example of profile essay father swam out and saved his life. When my father was done with the military, he decided he wanted to continue saving lives, example of profile essay.

He became a fire fighter. He loves his job, and is only two years away from retirement. If it were up to him, it would be many more years, but because of his age fire fighters are forced to retire after 65 example of profile essay must retire.

Because of the way his parents raised him, being a fire fighter was not his only job. He is also a Carpenter.

He is a very hard worker, and at one point in his life, had gone years without taking a day off. Even days when he was sick, example of profile essay, he worked through it to provide for his family. He has set a great example for me to live my life.

If I become half the man Kenneth Barry Rose is, I will feel I have made him a proud father. Posted by br24 at PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. ashley October 19, at AM. johnsohn1 June 17, at AM. Unknown November 21, at AM. matterlandsen January 23, at AM. Sienna Nelson March 13, at AM. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.

Profile Essay

, time: 17:03

Profile Essay: Writing Guide With Examples

example of profile essay

A profile essay example can include descriptions about a person, an event or scenery. You can use conversations, stories or quotes to reinforce your essay. A profile essay can be both objective and subjective How to conclude a profile essay; Outline example; Have you ever interviewed somebody on a given topic or about an event? Then, you have some clue regarding profile essays. A profile essay is a descriptive writing that focuses on the description of a person, place or an event. The essay is usually comprehensive, sensory and balanced detailing on Profile Essay Sample Lioness Living in a Bear’s Den A boisterous laugh echoes from the expanse of her mid-size office into the 2nd floor space littered with half empty cubicles. The same office space Kay Barnhill (KB) first arrived for a clerk job with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in the summer of Fresh out of

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